When Madeline was in kindergarten, I didn't allow her to have one hot lunch. I had no idea how important it was to her, to try the hot lunch. In first grade, she sat me down to discuss hot lunches. She said "couldn't I just have a couple lunches a month? Lunches that aren't the worst?" " You know Mom, it wouldn't kill me". My little first grader was right... it wouldn't kill her, and it was so important to her, to be more like her peers. I didn't realize just how important it is to fit it, and to be like your peers. Madeline already struggled being different with her dairy allergy. We came to an agreement that has worked.
Madeline is now in 5th grade, and knows more about nutrition, and healthy foods, than most adults. Julia is in 3rd grade, and is by nature is a healthy eater, and deeply defends why we all need to eat healthy foods. Julia has had the luxury of being allowed to have hot lunch, even in kindergarten. The whole "it's not fair" starts very, very early.
Today I have a simple example of pretty classic cold lunches at our house. Today Julia is having salad, and Maddy is having a healthy PB&J.
This is and organic peanut butter from Woodman's by the label Organics. It is organic, which means it doesn't have the pesticides, and partially hydrogenated oils that regular peanut butter has. Peanuts are the most toxic of non organic foods, as it is the most heavily sprayed with pesticides. Regular peanuts, and peanut butter, are literally poisonious to children under 3. Partially hydrogenated oils, are also toxic, and cause cell death, and is linked to many diseases. It is worth every penny to buy organic peanut butter! It is then a super nutritious food!
As you can see, we've used an organic jelly as well. This isn't my favorite kind. My well intended husband picked this one up. I prefer an all fruit organic jam or spread that is void of sugar. This brand will work just fine, but has added sugar. I prefer to save the sugar content for a small treat, and not in the sandwich.
The bread I used today, is both of the girls favorite!( I think it is their favorite, because it is not grainy, and is most like the bread that their peers eat.) It is Oatmeal from Natural Ovens Bakery. http://www.naturalovens.com/ This brand is void of corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, and all the bad stuff. A bonus, is that it is local! I love to support local companies! I switch off between breads, and most often use sprouted grain bread. This bread makes it much more of a treat to them.
This is Julia's lunch today! She asked for a salad. Julia LOVES salads! This is a salad blend with lettuce, carrots, and purple cabbage. I add more of the purple cabbabe. ( We always have purple cabbage on hand, as an add to salads, stir frys, and Madeline loves it as a snack- yep I'm serious.) I added walnuts for protein, and omega 3's, and am serving it with my homemade Honey French dressing.
I do get asked a lot about what brands I use, and where I shop. That's why I will include much of that information on my blog. I also hear a lot, that it is expensive to eat healthy, natural, and organic. I disagree, if you shop wisely, shop the best prices, and shop the sales. This is one way I have contributed to my family- bargain shopping, while feeding them well.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate!
Yours in health,
ReplyDeleteI was observing your girls and found that they are beautiful and vibrant!! I also hear they are very smart! Good for you for making the effort to REALLY take care of your family! It really shows!!