
Honey French Dressing Recipe

Salad dressings are so easy to make!  What is so great about making your own things homemade is a.) you can control the ingredients, b.) make to your own tastes, c.) it most often better than store bought, and d.) it is far more cost effective (cheaper!). 

(As I write this, Kenny Chesney is on palladia singing " I go back".  Man, I love his music- what a talented song writer...)

I keep a stocked pantry ( I'd show you, but I have to clean and straighten it first) which is key to making any kind of dressing, at any time.
I remember years ago, when we'd go to many last minute pot lucks in our neighborhood. Our friends would find it so amazing that I could just run home, and put something together and return without going to the store.  I was known then for my salads, and dressings... because I always had the fixin's on hand!

Anywho, this is a family favorite, honey french dressing.  My daughter Julia's very favorite.  This is a recipe that appeals to most, because it tastes very much like bottled dressing.  I usually don't measure- again I am forced to use measuring utensils so I can share!  This is not only very tasty, but literally healthy

Natalie's Natural Honey French Salad Dressing:
1 cup olive oil  (365 cold pressed olive oil)
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar ( I prefer Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar)
1/4 cup honey  ( I use raw and local)
1/4 cup  organic ketchup  (Trader Joe's)
1/8 tsp. worcestershire  (Annie's Naturals organic)
small squeeze of mustard  (  I used yellow today)
1 tsp. paprika  ( The Spice House)
1 tsp. Pampered Chef Onion Onion  (I usually use a shallot)
3 drops of tabasco
2 cloves of garlic

All the the ingredients into a blender except the olive oil.  Blend well.  Slowly pour olive oil in a stream as the blender is running.  Blend until thickened.  Chill for an hour for best flavor.  As you can see, I put it in a Good Season's Italian bottle- since I no longer use it for that dressing- and it is the perfect size for my recipes.  I bought an extra bottle at Goodwill! 

Any dressings can be shaken in a jar instead of blending in a blender, but I love how creamy and thick the blender makes the oils.  If you shake this recipe, make sure to crush or grate garlic first.

* I have used tomato paste in lieu of the ketchup, and is my preference.  But, ketchup is just easier.
* Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar is what I use most for dressings.  You could use any vinegar here.  The best flavor match would be red wine vinegar.  I use Bragg's most often because it is so very healthy, and RAW.
*  Raw Honey is a natural sugar, but I consider it a miracle food.  It has antibiotic properties, enzymes, micro nutrients, and is truly a super food.  Be sure to purchase an unprocessed, unheated brand of honey.

Once you try this recipe, you won't buy bottled French again... I hope:)  Enjoy!

Yours in health,

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